Everyone wants to have the perfect appearance - a beautiful figure and a beautiful face. But sometimes nature gives birthmarks on the face. What to do - remove the mole or not? Today we will discuss the removal of moles on the face using a laser, and at the same time we will remember moles in history and philosophize a little.
In different eras, there was a different attitude towards moles; in some periods, beauty standards required the presence of a mole-fly somewhere in the area of the lips. Therefore, many women of fashion with a perfectly clean face drew a fly or made stickers from velvet and other materials. Artificial moles could be round or star-shaped. Such a front sight was not only an element of a beautiful image, but also carried an informational message, giving men some hints.
Today nobody sticks on flies. In the 21st century, beauty standards do not require a mole near the lips to create a seductive image. We now have a lot of other means with which you can create the most seductive images and give unambiguous hints to men.
But if you have a birthmark by nature, what should you do with it - remove it or not?
Everything must be decided individually, because a mole is a mole. Large, unaesthetic moles cause rejection and become the cause of fears and complexes. In addition, with age, the mole will still grow and every year it gets worse and worse. It can grow in area, become more convex and grow overgrown with unpleasant hairs, creating a disgusting image.
In addition to external beauty, a neoplasm can subsequently increase the risk of skin cancer, especially if you are very fond of the sea, sun and tanning. At the first symptoms of the birthmark degeneration, you should immediately consult a doctor, so that it is not too late! But why launch and postpone when you can solve everything here and now? Therefore, it is better to remove large convex moles on the face and body.
Every girl has heard stories about how dangerous it is to remove moles, and these stories often ended tragically. Doctors and people make different mistakes, but often all these stories are rare exceptions or even embellished and exaggerated altogether. Removal of a mole is not dangerous if it is carried out after examination in a good clinic by an experienced doctor and followed up.
On the websites of clinics, the entire process of diagnosing and removing moles with a laser is described in detail, therefore mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ will not be repeated, in any case, all decisions must be made in reality. The task of this publication is to convey to everyone the knowledge that the correct removal of moles does not pose a danger, but on the contrary makes us more beautiful and healthier.
Everyone knows the supermodel Cindy Crawford and many people know the actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, both have birthmarks, one on the left, the other on the right. Both women are successful, and it is safe to say that moles did not prevent them in life. But there is no help from a mole on the face, in any case, the mole spoils the image, adds some kind of inferiority, and this repels many.
In my understanding, Cindy Crawford and Svetlana Khodchenkova cannot be called beautiful in any way, I don't even want to watch films with Svetlana's participation just because I dislike the image of the main actress with a mole. It doesn't matter how she plays, first of all I want to see an actress with a beautiful face, devoid of defects.
Since childhood, Cindy Crawford had complexes about a mole. Now Cindy is glad that she did not delete it, although she admits that if she could choose, she would create her face clean. The supermodel says her mom talked her out of removing the mole. She said, "You know what your mole looks like, but you don't know what a scar might look like."
As we know, the mole did not prevent Cindy from becoming a supermodel, but her photos were taken by the best photographers and were actively processed by Photoshop. In addition to correctly exposing the light during the photo shoot and retouching, Cindy has the talents and virtues that made her a supermodel. Therefore, you should not compare yourself to Cindy - your mole on your cheek will not make your life like life. supermodels.
In addition, over the years, the technology of the beauty industry has evolved, now the procedure for removing a mole will almost certainly not leave significant marks. And in general, you can get rid of a small scar on your own at home, I know this from my own experience. In the next post, I will definitely share my own method of getting rid of scars.