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Not real faux fur

Recently, the fashion world has encountered such an amazing phenomenon as not real faux fur. It reminds me of the situation when you do a photo shoot with a luxurious and realistic BJD doll somewhere in the park, and people ask the question - is this a real doll?

How can faux fur be fake? It's very simple - it's natural! Animal advocates are horrified to learn that many products made from faux fur or with faux fur trim are in fact natural rabbit, raccoon, or other fluffy animal.

It's hard to believe, but many fashion brands are more profitable to use natural fur and pass it off as artificial than buying synthetic furs.

How can natural fur be cheaper than synthetic? Recently, more and more girls are choosing fur coats made of synthetic materials, so the demand for natural fur is falling. At the same time, animals are raised not only for the sake of the skin.

Rabbit and rabbit fur

Rabbits are primarily bred and raised for food. I feel sorry for rabbits and other animals, I feel sorry for chicken and even fish, but millions of people around the world cannot imagine their life without meat, so the refusal of fashionistas from natural furs leads to the fact that skins are depreciated and become more affordable than synthetic ones.

Surprisingly, when once buying a leather jacket or fur coat, people were afraid of deception and carefully checked - genuine leather, natural fur. Now we are being deceived again, but now instead of synthetic materials they offer natural fur coats made of rabbit and raccoon.

People will not give up meat, and business is always looking for ways to make quick and easy money. Therefore, in the near future there will be more and more products made from non-real faux fur, because the rabbit is not the only fluffy animal that people eat with pleasure.

Not real faux fur

In addition to food for people, many people need food for cats and dogs, for the sake of which many other animals are grown and slaughtered, the skins of which also need to be used somewhere.

In general, if you are outraged by such a phenomenon as not real artificial fur, start with yourself! First of all, give up meat food forever, and then convince your cat to eat fruit, oatmeal and bread.

Not real faux fur
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