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What is the future for natural fur and leather accessories

Almost every day there is news of fashion brands refusing to use natural fur. The fashion house Burberry has given up on natural fur. The brand's current collections are created without the use of natural furs. The decision to abandon the use of mohair was announced by the Swedish company H&M and the American Gap, as well as the Spanish brand Zara and the British Topshop. More and more brands are taking up the animal welfare trend and switching to different synthetics.

What is the future for natural fur, wool clothing and leather accessories?

Fur in the fashion industry

Despite the active promotion of animal welfare, many fashionistas do not at all perceive faux fur coats as something luxurious. The same goes for bags and other leatherette accessories. If you buy things made from synthetic materials cheaply, everything seems to be fair, as they should be, but you do not get involved in luxury.

In the case when a famous brand offers a fur coat or scarf made of faux fur at a price close to natural counterparts, it seems that they want to cruelly deceive you! Faux fur clothes and leatherette accessories were cheap even many years ago. Today we have a lot of new technologies and higher labor productivity, so such things should be even cheaper.

It turns out there are two options - either we buy cheap and everything is fair, or we pay dearly and they deceive us. Both options do not give you a touch of real luxury. At the same time, talk about the ethical treatment of animals is nothing more than hypocrisy. It is disgusting to look at these girls who refuse natural fur, but devour hamburgers and other meat-based dishes.

It's hard to say what the future holds for us. The world is becoming unpredictable and change is rapid. One thing is clear - in the future, most people will live worse or easier. The life of the bulk of the population will come to minimalism in everything.

The modern model of the economy and society as a whole contributes to ensuring that only a tiny fraction of the population can have all the benefits and resources. And 99.999% will live very simply, if not poorly.

Fur in the fashion industry

Refusal from natural fur, leather, wool is being promoted at the highest level not for the protection of animals, but in order to invest in the minds of the inhabitants - be content with little, dress in cheap synthetics, enjoy minimalism in your life, thinking that your refusal is a concern for the future the whole planet. Great involvement makes it easy to refuse, because it feeds our pride.

This state of affairs is very beneficial for manufacturers of clothing and accessories. Artificial fur and leatherette are cheap, and most importantly, it is much easier to work with them, it is much easier to organize mass production with a meager cost of final products.

All this does not apply to those who are at the top of the social ladder, they will not give up the best, luxurious and expensive, they will have natural fur in their wardrobe for a long time until something really better in quality and more luxurious in perception appears.

Fur in the fashion industry
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