Should you wear leather goods if you can't give up meat? is skeptical about the claims of fashion brands to abandon natural fur. So far, those who have not worked particularly with fur refuse. Therefore, the statement about the rejection of fur serves as an additional advertisement for them. But today we will talk about people who refuse natural fur, leather goods and even wool, and at the same time do not stop eating barbecue, sausage, cutlets ...
When a vegetarian does not buy a fox fur coat and crocodile leather shoes, this is completely understandable and honest. If you continue to eat meat on a regular basis, and give up leather and fur, does this make sense?
You can talk a lot about ethical and sustainable consumption, but all this is an empty talking shop. Genuine leather and fur are taken from slaughtered animals. Most of the animals are raised for the food industry. Cows, pigs, rams, goats, rabbits first of all go to the table, and leather dressing is an accompanying production.
If you continue to eat veal burgers, lamb skewers, but do not buy leather shoes and a bag, is the life of animals saved? Refusal from leather and fur does not exclude the entire cycle of growing, feeding the animal, and most importantly, its slaughter.
It turns out that by eating meat and at the same time giving up a leather bag, we end up with a worse consumption pattern. Animal husbandry remains, and all the harm to nature from this industry does not disappear. The killing of animals continues. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the production of synthetic materials - artificial leather and fur, various types of plastic, all of which causes additional harm to the environment.
Carrying a bag made of leather is a pity and not ethical, but is it not a pity to eat a piece of animal meat? In this case
animal's skin remains unclaimed and is simply thrown out, is it better that way?
Conclusions: the model of respect for nature by the type - I love meat, but I will not buy a bag made of leather - the most flawed and harmful to nature and humans. Livestock remains, hides and skins are thrown away. The production of synthetics is growing and at the same time my pride and hypocrisy, because I am not like these cruel people, I will not wear a rabbit fur coat and cow shoes, I will just eat them.
To refuse natural leather and fur is justified only after giving up meat, otherwise it multiplies harm to nature and people!
Until we have learned to freely fly around the galaxy and explore other planets, we must take care of our Earth. This applies to everyone and everyone, because the faithful in the small, faithful in the big. Therefore, all people, each in his place, should lead a more conscious life. This topic is now being spoken and written about everywhere, but overall, little has changed. In fact, it will not change.
Man consists of two main parts - animal and spiritual, intellectual. Most people spend their entire lives to satisfy their animal needs. Such people are easy to manage, it is easy for them to sell goods and services, which means that nothing will change yet.
Most people want to enjoy food and at the same time think how good they are, how they care about nature. It is difficult to refuse meat, and it is easy to buy a bag made of leatherette or PVC, especially since it is fashionable. This is how we take care of nature and love for animals. We do not like nature or animals! We love only ourselves and our primitive pleasures, for the sake of which we will always find excuses.
Refusing leather accessories, refuse meat, only then will there be an honest contribution to the protection of nature and animals!