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Ban on the sale of natural fur and democracy

Refusal from natural fur can be called one of the main fashion trends of recent times. Famous brands and successful designers, one after another, refuse natural fur in new collections. By doing this, they want to attract attention and gain more confidence from the sophisticated public. But now this trend has moved to a new level of development. The City of San Francisco Announces a Ban on the Sale of Real Fur Items!

Wealthy women of fashion and generally wealthy people have long been fed up with natural fur. Today, a mink coat is not an indicator of success, and a mink hat looks questionable at all. But by giving up these things, people begin to feel more cultured, merciful and conscious. Simply put, rejection of fur allows you to see yourself in the best light, and even raise you above those who continue to wear a mink coat.

Ban on the sale of natural fur and democracy

In the coming years, this trend will only intensify, this will push for the creation of new materials in the fashion industry. Soon we will see new types of faux fur, vegetable leather and new “smart” materials with unusual properties. The development of science and progress is good, but the ban on the sale of natural fur sounds strange.

In general, such prohibitions are completely contrary to the ideals of freedom and democracy. The San Francisco ban goes into effect on January 1, 2024 and applies to clothing and accessories made with natural fur, including even little things like key rings!

Products manufactured before the adoption of the law can be sold until January 1, 2024. So far, the ban does not apply to leather and wool products, as well as to used fur products. The new law has already met with disapproval from manufacturers. They believe that there should be a universal vote, not a decision by the Board of Trustees.

Ban on the sale of natural fur

The adoption of such a law is unthinkable in Russia, but we have other prohibitions. Roskomnadzor is blocking more and more websites every day, and other restrictions are being introduced. Therefore, we can say with confidence that there will be much less freedom in the future.

Thanks to the Internet, people have become more knowledgeable, everyone can express their own opinion, join the community and take part in social movements. All this runs counter to the desire of the authorities - to completely control the population. That is why there will be more and more bans.

Some of the initiatives seem to be very correct - after all, caring for animals is a merciful thing. But having embarked on this path once, we will receive in the future many new prohibitions and restrictions, even those that seem incredible today. 10-15 years will pass, and we will remember the beginning of 2000 as a time of unlimited freedom.

Ban on the sale of natural fur
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