How sable fur is obtained in Siberia
Many brands have abandoned the use of natural fur, fur farms are closing, and soon, perhaps, they will introduce a ban on the sale of fur in some states. The possibility of a ban on the sale of natural fur in the UK is currently under discussion.
Protecting nature is important, we must all take care of the future of our planet. But in fact, giving up natural fur does not bring any benefit. Faux fur can be harmful to the environment, and natural fur is the most natural and sustainable raw material in the entire fashion industry in the world.
If you remember history, people have been using fur to make clothes for over 15,000 years! You can call our ancestors savages, and we are civilized, cultured people. Only in fact in modern Russia there are people who live in complete harmony with the wild, like thousands of years ago. Of course, they now have guns and snowmobiles, but otherwise, just like our ancestors, they take care of nature and truly love. offers to watch the film - Happy people, life on the Yenisei. The film consists of 4 episodes in total, each episode showing a season of the year. The film is completely documentary, and shows the life of real people who live in the wild. Sable hunting for hunters is one of the main trades. They lead a more responsible lifestyle than residents of large cities. This film takes you on a fairytale journey.
The video below is episode 4, which shows how men get sable fur, how the whole family makes skins, and then sell them at local small auctions. This is an incredible life, the film seems to take us into a real fairy tale ...
To fully experience the fabulous life of these people, it is better to watch the entire film, all 4 episodes starting with the first.