Crocoite stone - magical properties and photo of jewelry

Crocoite is a stone of bright saturated color. Its color palette is mostly red. The name crocoite comes from the word "krokos", which means saffron in Greek. And if you recall the spring blooming garden, then you can immediately imagine the amazing brightness and purity of small crocuses. These flowers have different colors, and our stone, which borrowed their name, is only reddish shades: orange-red or yellow-red, but there are instances of a deep burgundy color.

The history of the discovery of the crocoite stone

German chemistry professor Johann Lehmann received an invitation from the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences in 1761. Soon he went to the Urals, where, while examining samples of minerals from the Berezovsky mine, he discovered a rather heavy red stone from which lead was easily extracted. Calling it "Siberian red lead", they found out that it has shades of fiery color, and its crystals are found in the form of small pyramids of irregular shape.

Crocoite stone and its magical properties

In the course of research, Lehman from "red lead" received an oil paint of unprecedented brightness. It was a valuable find. They even decided to call the mineral lemanite, but later it was given the name crocosite, for the brightness of the color, similar to the color of crocus dye. Then crocosite was renamed crocoite, as a more euphonious name.

Although crocoite, known as lead ore, still haunted, there was still some substance in the third part of the crocoite, hitherto unknown. It turned out to be chrome. When a young French chemist Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin decided to study red Siberian lead in more detail, a previously unknown metal was discovered. Its crystal structure in the form of needles allowed the metal to shine brightly in the light. The metal was named chromium. This is why crocoite has the ability to shine almost as much as an "indestructible" diamond.

Crocoite stone crystals

Crocoite - its main characteristics

First, it should be noted that the chemical composition of crocoite is a red lead ore. It has an amazing crystal shape that looks like spruce needles or elongated prisms. Crocoite can often be seen in the collections of lovers of unusual stones.

The basis of the molecular formula is lead chromate - Pb [CrO4]. Sometimes crocoite contains silver or zinc. Crocoite does not like exposure to direct sunlight, its brightness may decrease slightly, and the stone may fade.

The stone has translucent crystals with a beautiful luster. However, this mineral is quite fragile, with an uneven fracture (hardness - 2.5 - 3.0; density 5.9-6.1 g / cm3), is highly sensitive to acids and alkalis. It follows from this that jewelry made from this stone should be handled with care.

Ball of stone

Crocoite deposits

Crocoite was first discovered in the Urals (Berezovskoye deposit). It is also mined on the island of Tasmania (Australia), in Brazil, France, Germany, the USA (Arizona, California), in the Philippines. Each deposit has minerals with different colors. Tasmanian Druze are considered by collectors to be the most beautiful and expensive. Their crystals reach a length of 15 cm.

Crocoite stone - magical properties does not like to endow stones with some special supernatural power... But people have been doing this for a long time. The beauty of stones in itself attracts and attracts a person, while each of us wakes up certain emotions. Which? And it depends on our character and temperament, on our desires and perceptions of beauty.

If, possessing a beautiful stone, confidence arises in us in communicating with people, then this is not done by the stone, but by our vanity and pride.That is why then they say that the handsome crocoite endows its owner with confidence and optimism, the ability to communicate with people, develops your oratorical abilities, and thereby we attract those around us. But all the same, it is better to make friends for yourself, attracting not by the beauty of the stone, but by your kind heart.

Astrologers also carve out their own niche in the beliefs of the influence of the stone. But in this case, they recommend crocoite to be worn by all signs, except for Aries, and that is because those born under this sign can become too arrogant and proud in dealing with people.

Crocoite stone

The healing properties of crocoite

But as for the treatment with stones, you should listen to this, because in nature there are all the forces that can heal a person. The stone and its color can have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

Some unconventional healers claim that due to its bright red-orange color, crocoite can improve memory, tone, and normalize the functioning of the genitourinary organs and intestines. One thing is for sure, the crocoite druse looks magically beautiful, like a small bonfire. That is why you can look at it for an infinitely long time, as if it warms the soul and lifts the spirits.

Jewelers love this beautiful rich color crystal and cut it into cabochons, polishing the surface very carefully so that the stone does not crumble, as it has fragility and low hardness. The finished stone requires careful handling from mechanical and chemical damage.

Crocoite stone and its magical properties in jewelry
Crocoite pendants
Crocoite pendants
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