Fashion history

Japanese girls and women - 1920s photo

With the spread of the Internet, there is a lot of talk about freedom in fashion, globalization and the blurring of boundaries. In fact, the erasure of borders and national traditions has been observed for over 100 years. For example, let's look at images of Japanese girls in photographs from the 1920s.

These photos clearly demonstrate that many Japanese women already followed fashion trends from Europe and the USA... At the same time, Japan has always been famous for its strict rules, respect for traditions, and in general, for a long time, it was largely closed from the world.

Therefore, the erasure of traditions and globalization are not the merit of the Internet. Fashion has long penetrated even the most closed countries and peoples, with the exception of those that lagged behind in development, such as the wild tribes on the Amazon River.

1920s japanese girls
1920s japanese girls

Japanese girls and women - 1920s photo

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