1920s style wedding and vintage wedding photos
Recently, wedding celebrations in a certain style have become fashionable. Someone is guided by the color scheme and chooses the main color of the holiday, other couples take a certain style as a basis, for example Provence. But retro style weddings work best.
Let's take a look at
1920s and look at the images of the bride and groom. The 1920s were a great period for inspiration, it was at this time that it seemed that the holiday would go on forever, and no one wanted to think that nothing is forever in this world.
Everyone wants a holiday in life, and the wedding is the most striking event. Therefore, it is strange when people decide to refuse to hold a full-fledged wedding, but simply go to the wedding palace, put their signatures and then with a witness and witness modestly celebrate this event in a restaurant. Saving is a good thing, but the wedding will not happen again, at least when we get married, we want it so - to be together for life!
In this case, you should try to make your holiday unforgettable and capture it in photographs. It is not at all necessary to collect many guests, invite distant relatives, acquaintances with whom you see once a year. Most of these people will just drink and eat at your expense.
The best wedding option is to invite the closest and most worthy guests, and to hold the wedding itself in a certain style. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ has already told in detail what details and nuances to pay attention to in order for the wedding to match
the spirit of the 1920s... Today, just look at the images of the bride and groom.
The 1920s are a time of emancipation, flamboyant parties until the morning, jazz and fine fashion. The bridal fashion of that time is still a source of inspiration and admiration. Therefore, a wedding in the style of the 1920s will be remembered for a long time.