Hair care

How to grow long beautiful hair

Long hair is a natural decoration that cannot be compared to jewelry made of precious metals and stones. Only not everyone manages to grow beautiful long hair. Today we will analyze the basic rules that will help speed up hair growth. There will be no names of wonderful pills and elixirs, because often they are beneficial only to sellers. has collected real-life tips ...

1. Get regular micro-haircuts

Getting your hair cut regularly may sound like odd advice, but it's actually important. Make it a rule to cut off 1 to 2 centimeters of damaged and lifeless hair ends every month. Thus, the hair becomes healthier, and it begins to grow faster.

2. Hair oils

Today everyone knows about the benefits of oils. Nature has given us many natural oils that can be applied to wet hair or dry hair after styling. You can use one oil, or you can buy a special mixture of several components, or create your own recipe.

The oil nourishes the ends, closes the scales, gives the hair density and a healthy appearance. Only when buying oil complexes, carefully read the composition. Some manufacturers come up with very sonorous names for their means, and they mislead us. When we buy, we think that we have received a mixture of the best oils in the ideal proportion, but in fact, there is nothing good in our miracle elixir.

Personally, I prefer to buy each oil separately, then mix it myself and apply it to my hair. The main thing is not to overdo it - too much oil will not accelerate hair growth.

How to Grow Long Hair - 12 Tips

3. Use an air conditioner

Conditioning your hair every week is an important treatment for all hair types, but especially fine, curly or colored hair. Particular attention should be paid to the ends, because they are thin and very fragile, so the right conditioner will keep damage to a minimum.

4. Use shampoo in moderation

Only followers of some subcultures like to walk with unwashed hair, but we want to have clean, well-groomed hair. Just do not overuse shampoo, its purpose is to wash away the dirt. Shampoo washes away with excessive use natural oils and injures the hair.

How to grow long hair

5. Water temperature for shampooing

It seems that all girls should know which water is best for washing their hair. Only many people continue to use hot water, and this causes significant damage to the hair. You can swim in hot water, but when washing your hair, it is better to make the temperature no higher than 35-36 degrees. In general, make the water close to body temperature, it will not feel hot or cold.

6. Hair masks

A hair mask should be done once a week. Long hair needs extra nourishment and just the right food is not enough. The hair mask will help accelerate growth. There are many recipes for hair masks on the Internet, has also repeatedly told.

Masks are better than vitamin complexes. Vitamins are important and necessary, but self-administration of multivitamin complexes is not always beneficial, and masks act purposefully.

7. Shampoos

When it comes to choosing your shampoo and conditioner, you should look at sulfate-free options that will help keep the moisture in. When shampooing, it is necessary to gently massage the scalp, thanks to this, blood circulation is activated, which will have a beneficial effect on further hair growth.

8. Towel and wet head

After shampooing and swimming in the sea, never towel dry your hair.It's better to just get wet and tie a towel like a shawl, so it absorbs moisture from the hair and then it dries faster. In this case, it is better to use thin, soft towels. Better yet, let your hair dry naturally.

You should not wring it out or wring and twist your hair in a towel, such an accelerated spinning is only suitable for laundry in a washing machine.

9. Hair dryer and hot styling

Sometimes you want to dry your hair quickly, and sometimes you want to do a hot styling. Just remember - if you want to grow beautiful long hair, it is better to do it as little as possible, giving your hair a break. Make it a rule to use hot dry and styling no more than once a week. Ideally, give up hair dryers and irons altogether.

Hairdryer and hot styling

10. Don't go to bed with a wet head

Never wash your hair just before bed. Water treatments at night - drive away sleep and harm hair. Damp hair will be injured from rubbing with the pillow. In addition, in the morning you will wake up with matted hair and sticking out in different directions. Therefore, you will have to wet your hair again, take a hairdryer or irons and do styling, causing new and new harm to our jewelry!

11. Healthier food has dedicated many publications on the relationship between nutrition and beauty. In order to achieve beautiful long hair, you need to include plant products in your diet: cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, etc. These foods contain vitamins and minerals.

But don't forget about animal products. Vegan food is not for everyone. Many European girls noticed when they refused food of animal origin, their hair became dry, brittle and thinner.

Therefore, you should not give up fish, seafood, poultry and lean meat prepared according to the rules of Diet 5. For food to benefit health and beauty, healthy eating should become a norm and habit.

12. Sleep on silk pillows

The most sophisticated and at the same time simple advice. Silk bed linen looks beautiful, but not everyone likes it for its properties and price. Only you don't need to buy the whole set, just a pillowcase is enough. The fact is that cotton pillowcases have the ability to absorb moisture and make our hair drier every night.

Considering how much time we spend in bed, the loss of moisture is less noticeable. Silk pillowcases keep hair hydrated and help avoid unwanted friction that can traumatize hair during restless sleep.

How to grow long hair
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