Tafia - a headdress in the history of costume
Today mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ wishes to revive the ancient headdress! Recently at the exhibition I liked a small hat, it perfectly suits in addition to a knitted hat as a bottom one, because layering can be not only in clothes, but also in accessories.
The little tafia cap is a completely forgotten headdress. Today this accessory can only be seen in paintings and exhibitions. Even the name tafya sounds unfamiliar and unusual. Only this does not mean that taffy should not be worn. Very much even possible!
Where the cap originally came from is unknown. Most likely, the headdress was borrowed from the Turkic peoples, who wore skullcap-type hats. In addition, the tafia resembles a yarmulke. Therefore, it is not easy to establish the exact origin, because many peoples used headdresses of a similar shape.
In Russia in the 16th century, tafia is gaining popularity among the upper class. These hats are loved by the richest and most influential people. Many sought to decorate the headdress with embroidery in gold and silver, as well as beads and pearls. Tsar Ivan the Terrible was especially fond of tafia, he himself wore such a hat, and made it part of the oprichniki uniform. After the time of troubles, tafia gradually lost popularity and was forgotten.
Modern fashion allows you to mix a wide variety of styles and elements of historical costumes. Tafia is a very interesting and practical headdress. If you love fashion experiments, buy this beanie. It can be worn as a bottom hat under a knitted hat, thereby creating multi-layering, and the wind will not blow. When you enter the room, you can take off the top hat, but the tafia will remain.
Tafia is useful if you want to create an image with elements
historical costume or add a little Asian influence to your style, because initially the accessory is of oriental origin. When there are many different hats in the wardrobe, you can create the most unusual images, some of them will be appropriate only for holidays and photo shoots, but this is the beauty of unusual accessories with a long history.
Where can I buy? On the Internet and at exhibitions, you can find craftsmen who sew historical costumes and things stylized as history. I managed to find taffy for 1000 rubles, in some places they sell more expensive, but in any case, quite inexpensive.