What is a clasp on a choker and necklaces
A clasp is a large clasp on an adornment, which can be regarded as an independent adornment. The name comes from the French fermoir - clasp.
The clasp can be on a book, album, purse, purse and necklace. A necklace with such a clasp is also called a clasp. Basically, this fancy jewelry has several rows of identical beads, which are connected by a clasp located in front and which is the central part of the jewelry.
In Europe, jewelry and handbags with precious clasps became especially popular in the Middle Ages. Sometimes the clasp itself was so luxurious and expensive that no one could afford to wear a necklace with a clasp in the back, where they might not see it. The clasp could be transferred to another necklace or necklace, that is, such a clasp can be on either product, and be called a clasp.
In Russia, such jewelry appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, when Peter I changed Russia into a European style. The ladies pulled into corsets, opened the deep cleavage, and the clasp appeared on the beauties' breasts. This particular piece of jewelry has become one of the most popular.
Clasps began to be made from diamonds, sapphires, rubies and other precious stones. And in Russia they know how to decorate themselves with jewelry. The clasp can be seen in portraits from the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries.
Right - Unknown artist. Portrait of the merchant Goncharova. 1830s. Historical Museum. Moscow.
Left - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (wife of Nicholas I). Franz Kruger.
The empress's neck is adorned with a necklace with a large ruby in a clasp. At the beginning of the 19th century, they become the most ceremonial part in the chain of stones, located right on the chest of beauties. Apparently, the clasp was especially preferred by the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. More than once she presented her daughter-in-law Elizaveta Alekseevna with precious clasps with diamonds and emeralds.
Nicholas I at the wedding of Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkina with P.P. Lansky presented him with a diamond clasp in the shape of a star.
The fact that the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna loved clasps is evidenced by her portraits remaining in museums around the world.
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna.The Emerald Clasp was the first present in the artistic life of Pauline Viardot.
Neck adornments are true favorites of jewelry fashion, as they occupy the central and most visible place in the ensemble of a woman's outfit. Neck decorations complement the conceived image, add zest.
And the presence of a clasp for necklaces and necklaces is an obligatory detail. The clasp is decorated with great care, using precious stones and precious metals. Thanks to the skill of jewelers, necklaces with such a precious lock have become extremely popular for almost two centuries. In Russia they were also called clasps.
Today, speaking of a clasp, we most often mean a clasp for
bags or wallet... Nowadays, clasps for handbags can be purchased at any craft store, and for a small amount, because they are made from cheap materials.
However, many fashion houses produce bags with expensive clasps, and jewelry brands will give you the opportunity to purchase clasp necklaces.
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall has a rich collection of clasps.
Pearl necklaces Are classics of the English royal family, and clasps with diamonds or sapphires, amethysts or aquamarines complementing these necklaces are the height of jewelry craftsmanship.