Precious constellations:
how to choose the right jewelry according to your zodiac sign?
Since ancient times, people have endowed precious stones with special strength and energy. And now many believe that they influence the fate of the person who wears them, and jewelry that matches the sign of the zodiac can develop strengths and even change lives! But when choosing jewelry for such serious purposes, it is worth listening not only to astrologers, but also to those who make them and have been dealing with jewelry for a long time. Therefore, today the recommendations of the stargazers are supplemented by the advice of experts - specialists from the Moscow Jewelry Factory, which has a history of almost 100 years of working with jewelry.
Ruby - a symbol of fire
What astrologers say: the bright red hue of this gem is bound to be associated with flames. And not in vain, because it is he who can be called the most faithful talisman of fire signs. Strength, power, endurance, faith in one's own capabilities - this is what the ruby helps to show Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. They are demanding of themselves and those around them, and it is the ruby that is able to meet these high demands.
What the experts advise: Aries women are considered creative and energetic natures, and astrologers call their geometric symbol a circle. Therefore, jewelry with round rubies is recommended for those born under this sign.
If speak about
Lionesses, then they are ideally suited for chic jewelry with large precious stones, referring to the traditions of royal houses - the luxury and power that the Leo ladies love, are consonant with just such jewelry.
Streltsov astrologers call them optimistic and cheerful personalities, but they do not always know how to bring things to an end. As a recommendation, the following advice often sounds: you need to choose jewelry in the form of a semicircle or a horseshoe - this can be, for example, earrings in which rubies are located in a semicircle, and the lock will help "close" the chain of events.
For the energetic Aries: round ruby necklace, Royal collection.
For luxurious Lions: ring with a large ruby, Royal collection.
For the cheerful Sagittarius: earrings with rubies, Color Brilliance collection.Sapphire water
What astrologers say: To the signs of the zodiac of the water element, precious sapphire jewelry will give confidence, make them more calm. But for each of them, it will manifest its properties in different ways. Cancers will help improve their health, Scorpios will become more stable emotionally, and Pisces will help to set clear goals and choose the right path.
What the experts advise: astrologers claim that those born under
Cancer sign are distinguished by vulnerability, sensitivity and subtle mental organization. Therefore, in this case, we can recommend square or rectangular jewelry with sapphires - this shape helps to harmonize emotionality and impressionability.
Scorpio Ladieswho are endowed by the stars with a decisive and courageous character, the ability to overcome any difficulties in life, you can and should choose what others simply cannot wear - complex jewelry.
Pisces women considered romantic, dreamy and capable of falling in love with any man. They should choose laconic and even, at first glance, simple sapphire jewelry to emphasize their natural magnetism.
For sensitive Cancers: square sapphire ring, Royal collection
For self-confident Scorpions: a complex ring with large and smaller sapphires, the Royal collection
For romantic Pisces: tennis bracelet with sapphires, Grace collectionAir as clear as a diamond
What astrologers say: the diamond itself has a very high strength, which increases in the cut diamond. This gemstone symbolizes eternal youth and energy. Diamonds are the best fit for Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Under his influence, the representatives of these signs of the zodiac become more self-confident, hardy and courageous.
What the experts advise: according to the horoscope, women born under
the sign of Gemini, extravagant and witty, like to be in the spotlight. Therefore, Gemini needs to choose unusual jewelry, for example with yellow diamonds, that will definitely attract the eyes of others.
Libra ladies, according to astrologers, they are distinguished by softness, the ability to smooth out sharp corners, and refined femininity. And the jewelry will suit them the same - with smooth lines, round-cut diamonds.
And here
Aquarians, which are considered the most original and unpredictable sign, will feel comfortable in unusual jewelry. For example, with "dancing" diamonds. This is a technology for making jewelry in which a special support holds the gem on only two sides. He catches the slightest movement and sways - "dances" - in a piece of jewelry, captivating the eyes.
For the extravagant Gemini: yellow diamond ring, Royal collection
For sophisticated Libra: earrings that look like water droplets, the Enigma collection
For original Aquarius: pendant with a "dancing" diamond, "Flirt" collection
Emerald land
What astrologers say: emerald is a gemstone that is most suitable for Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo. He gives these signs confidence, liberation, helps to unleash creativity and develop intuition. It is also believed that precious green crystals are able to protect against foreign negative influences.
What the experts advise: It is believed that
Capricorn ladies the ability to achieve goals and practicality are inherent. Therefore, luxurious jewelry with large emeralds will be an excellent choice for them. Since they will not only fit the zodiac sign, but also become an excellent investment.
Girls who were born under
sign of Virgo, are neat and accurate, they love order and severity in everything - this is what the horoscope says. Accordingly, it is best for them to choose jewelry of the correct geometric shape with clear laconic lines.
Taurus women, according to astrologers, they love to impress others, are generously endowed with beauty and charm. They can emphasize their brightness and originality with the help of luxury jewelry - for example, an elegant necklace with a large emerald.
To believe in the signs of the zodiac or not to believe, everyone chooses for himself. But the right decoration will definitely serve as a talisman and a source of strength. And then everything that is conceived will come true, no matter what the horoscope promises.
Materials provided by the press service of the Moscow Jewelry Factory