Fashionable hats with a veil
As some fashion historians suggest, veils originated in the East. Further, their distribution went on as usual. In some countries, the veil covered a woman's face from prying eyes, in others it served as an adornment and was a part of a costume. Since the 4th century, the white veil has been used in the adornment of a Christian bride, as a symbol of her purity.
The veiled hat appeared in Europe during the late Middle Ages. At the Burgundian court (in the XIV-XV centuries), a real cult of veils prevailed. They were worn by both women and men. Mostly at this time, veils served as an adornment, but many beauties used it to hide their face in the haze of fabric.
Erdem and Dolce & GabbanaIn the 16th century, veils disappear, only bright black-haired Spanish women leave them as a black lace mantilla, playing with it in dance and in life, sometimes hiding their faces, then revealing them.
Until the 19th century, veils were rare. And in the Biedermeier era, they are back in vogue. Veils were decorated with ladies' hats, a variety of which at this time was provided for all occasions. There were even veiled riding hats. The dominance of the veil in women's wardrobe continued until the First World War. They were used as decoration, but in cases when it was necessary to remain "unknown", they also helped.
Erdem In modern fashion veils on hats have been offered by designers for several seasons. However, it is not so easy to meet a lady in a hat with a veil. The speed of our century requires speed in movement and sometimes instant reaction, so hats take root in the wardrobe of women who know how to present themselves in our fleeting life, and that is mainly in the evening version.
A hat with a veil is one of the most important accents in the image. If the ladies of the Middle Ages sometimes used it in order to remain unrecognized, then nowadays everyone will notice you in a hat with a veil.
Most often, you can see an image with a veil in evening and wedding fashion. However, it is not at all necessary to create the image of a medieval beauty or a sophisticated young lady of the 19th century, and even wait until, finally, you go to a wedding celebration or to the theater. You can wear a hat with a veil on many occasions, and famous designers have convinced us of this.
Michael Kors Collection, ErdemThe veil goes well with different types of hats. She can decorate headbands, flower wreaths, various fancy hats and even veiled hats. In this case, the veil can cover the face completely, reach the nose or eyes, or it can be a separate headdress consisting of a draped veil.
Hats with a veil are also decorated with additional decor, which contains beads, beads, a brooch, feathers, stones, flowers, ribbons, embroidery, lace ...
Hat with a veil - what to wear?
In the collections of famous designers, we can see images of a casual, classic, youth, romantic, retro style. Modern fashion allows everything. But still, you can only feel like a queen in a hat with a veil in an evening dress. A small hat - in the form of a pill will look good with a cocktail dress.
The hat looks stylish in the club version - in combination with an elegant top and jeans. In this case, the best model will be a small hat with a short veil.
A laconic cut sheath dress can always be complemented with a hat with a veil. A true classic is the little black dress with an elegant veil.
In winter, the combination of a fur short coat with a veil will be the best ensemble in
retro style.
Dolce & Gabbana, ErdemHow to choose the right veiled hat
This issue should be approached based on your appearance and style. First, you should figure out the style of the hat most suitable for your face, and then move on to your own style, which will complement the veil.
There is a need to think about what material the veil is made of? The most common and classic option is a mesh that has large or small cells. In the first case, your face will be visible, in the second - facial features will be hidden.
The color of the veil can be of any color. The best option is the one that suits your face. It can match the color of the hat or contrast with it. A dark veil will hide the face, a light one will make the image more romantic, feminine and cute. Most brides opt for a white veil.
Bright veils are the choice of bold and confident girls.
In addition to the decorative elements included in the veil decoration, a drawing on a veil can look bright and beautiful. Floral and abstract motifs are more common.
Diogo mirandaThe veil has always been considered an element of the dress of noble ladies. This beautiful accessory has always created a mysterious image. Veils are designed to endow the image with mystery and charm. In modern fashion, a hat with a veil can add sophistication to any outfit.
A hat with a veil is a bright and original accessory. And although designers in their collections demonstrate that a veil is suitable for all occasions, it is worth listening to the advice of stylists, who claim that a hat with a veil is not suitable for everyone and not for every look.
Dolce & gabbana
Dolce & gabbana
Dolce & gabbana
Erdem, Michael Kors Collection