The cheapest cream for scars, freckles and age spots
Despite new trends in the fashion and beauty industry, clean, smooth skin remains the ideal of beauty. Sometimes freckles can be a decoration, but this is only in a young age, with age, you want to have clean skin without spots, moles, and even more so scars. You can reassure yourself that variety is in vogue now, and even disabled people are becoming Instagram stars, just admit to ourselves, we want to be perfect.
Therefore, when I had scars on my stomach, I wanted to erase them, remove them by any means. Unfortunately, Photoshop cannot fix our real body; other means are required here.
Personally, I am always wary of cheap goods. To be honest, I even hate buying cheap things, especially cosmetics. When I needed a cream for small scars after laparoscopic surgery, I considered creams from 1000 rubles and more. It seemed that others would be simply useless. But I was advised to buy this cheap cream. After 2 weeks of use, the first results appeared, and after another month, the two scars completely disappeared.
Moreover, I began to apply the cream to small moles near the scars, and they also began to lose color, fade and gradually disappear. If not for such a positive experience, on there would never have been a publication about such a cheap tool. This cream changed my mind. It turns out that even the cheapest care products can be effective.
Klirvin - skin care cream
The smell of the cream is pleasant, but when you apply it on the stomach, you hardly feel any smell. Cream of medium fat, pale pink color, it is applied and absorbed quite easily. The skin after it is moisturized and tender. The composition can be read in the instructions, which are in electronic form all over the Internet, now we will not repeat ourselves.
After I bought the cream, I read all the reviews on the Internet. Many respond well, others do not. In fact, it is very good when there are many different reviews. There cannot be a cream that helps everyone. If all the reviews are positive and enthusiastic, the bad ones are almost certainly deleted, and of these good ones, some are paid. The cream cannot help everyone, but to get the best result, you must follow the following rules ...
How to use a cream for scars and age spots
1. The sooner you start fighting, the better. Scars and scars can occur for a variety of reasons. But in most cases, even after surgery, you can start fighting scars in 30-45 days. If the scars do not heal well, and even bleed, it is better to wait longer. To be sure not to harm, ask your doctor. Everything heals for me very quickly, so there was no delay.
2. Use 2 times a day. Apply the cream to the damaged areas of the skin and lightly hammer in with your fingers. After 5 minutes, gently rub in. Then you need to let the cream soak in, after that you can dress. For me, the ideal time to deal with scars is when I watch a training video on youtube, so you do 2 things at once, which is most effective.
3. Use after shower, bath or sauna. The quickest effect of softening and whitening of the skin is achieved if the product is applied almost immediately after a warm bath or shower. It is difficult to assess the effectiveness exactly, but I am absolutely convinced from my experience that with this approach the positive effect is enhanced.
4. Have patience! Use it for 2-3 months and the results will definitely be there. Many people become too lazy to do this procedure 2 times a day, every day, so people start to skip days, then give up, and then write a review on the sites - all this is nonsense, it didn't help me at all!
Your own laziness bothers you.Any serious result takes time. Therefore, make it a habit to apply the cream. And also try to combine this business with something pleasant. For example, I like to watch videos on history, science, psychology and self-development, this is the right time for a scar treatment procedure.
Perhaps other more expensive creams would help faster, now it's unrealistic for me to find out. I really don't want to get new scars to check it out. Although will definitely tell you about other creams, only it will be a completely different story and experience of a different girl.