Perfect styling in French: top 5 secrets
French women have always been distinguished by some special charm and charm. And it seems that there is no perfect make-up, perfect manicure, and the curls are somehow completely careless ... But this is what gives it a special charm. That being said, as it turns out, French girls have their own secrets to creating such casual chic - and in fact, perfect hair styling! We share secrets and learn from France.
Secret # 1: Choose the Right Care Products
Not every shampoo is good, or rather, not every shampoo will suit the same people. French women are particularly meticulous in this regard: they experiment until they find the perfect cosmetics. This also applies to skin care for the face and body, and hair care. They select shampoo and other care products strictly according to the type of hair - normal, oily or dry, straight or curly, dyed or tinted, dark or light.
For curly and frizzy hair, products that deeply moisturize curls throughout their structure are excellent. The same is suitable for dry and overdried hair as a result of aggressive dyeing or perm. It is better to choose a sulphate-free shampoo - it foams less, but also dries out the hair less. The balm must be used every time after washing, and 2 times a week, apply a nourishing mask together and keep it on the hair for at least 7-10 minutes, or even longer. It is good to apply oil on completely dry and styled hair.

For oily hair, shampoos are suitable that foam well, wash away dust, dirt and styling products, and remove excess sebum. But such shampoos should not dry out the scalp either, otherwise the work of the sebaceous glands will be even more activated, and more sebum will be released. Both shampoo and balm for oily curls should have the ability to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. And instead of products based on natural oils, it is better to use liquid serums, which will not make the hair greasy.
Secret # 2: Always Use Conditioner
Beauty experts from France, stylists and hairdressers unanimously tell their clients: always use a balm or conditioner after washing your hair. Even if you have no time at all. Even if it is an express remedy for 2 minutes from inexpensive mass-market cosmetics. What for? Explaining.
Any balm, even the most unpretentious one, contains basic components that help to care for hair. It is thanks to them that, when used, it kind of closes the hair cuticle. The cuticle is the top layer (scales) that covers the entire length of the hair. After washing, this cuticle becomes soaked and very vulnerable. A conditioner allows you to close all the cuticle scales and "seal" the hair. Thus, all moisture will remain inside the curls, wet hair will slip and easily comb out, it will be more difficult to damage it even with a small and frequent brush.
Whereas without the use of balm, combing wet hair can lead to stretching (like rubber), fragility, vulnerability. It is especially necessary to use conditioner for owners of long hair, as well as for those who constantly dry their curls with a hairdryer. If the hair is tangled too much, after the balm, after drying the hair with a towel, you can additionally apply a spray or special liquid to the hair to facilitate combing. Do not forget that such products contain silicones, and therefore the next time you wash your hair, you will need to rinse well.
Secret # 3: use a microfiber towel
After shampooing, French women must wrap a towel around their hair. This is to absorb excess moisture and prepare your hair for styling or grooming, and for blow-drying. But not an ordinary terry towel is used, but a light microfiber towel.
Microfiber is a modern high-tech synthetic fabric that perfectly absorbs moisture. Its absorption capacity is several tens (!) Times higher than that of 100% cotton. Even if a cotton towel is made with a long, bulky terry nap, it will still absorb much less moisture.
Remember how often you had to rub your curls along the entire length to get rid of the flowing water? And microfiber is easy enough to blot your hair, and a large amount of moisture is immediately absorbed into the fabric. This avoids friction and does not injure wet curls that are vulnerable to damage.
Another nuance in favor of microfiber is that it is recommended to keep the towel on your hair for no more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, the hair will dry out, break and be difficult to style. And a heavy, water-saturated towel will strongly pull the hair roots, which can even damage the hair follicles and lead to hair loss. Microfiber in this regard is much lighter in weight than cotton. Even after absorbing more moisture, the microfiber towel will not pull and break the hair roots. And the moisture will be absorbed into the fabric faster than in the version with cotton, so you won't have to keep the towel on your head for a long time.
Today, there are excellent options for microfiber towels specifically for drying hair. They are thin and light, very soft, reminiscent of a hood or a turban - they are specially sewn so as not to wrap your hair too tight.
Secret # 4: don't use a styler for styling
This will save a ton of time, firstly. And secondly, it will allow you to avoid unnecessary injury to the hair by the hot surface of the iron, curling iron, tongs and other tools. True, in most cases you cannot do without a hairdryer, especially if you are in a hurry.
French women often look like they just got out of bed: casual waves, slightly tangled, yet gentle and quite appropriate in any situation. It takes a little effort to create this style. But the hair will not look unkempt, even if it gives the impression of carelessness.
After washing your hair, dry it with a hairdryer, divide it into several strands. The shorter the hair, the thinner the strands need to be to create the curl. Apply a styling product to each strand - it can be mousse or foam, for short hair, a gel is possible. Twist each strand into a bun and secure with a hairpin or loose elastic band. Let your hair dry naturally. If you are in a hurry and styling needs to be almost instantaneous, blow dry the bundles. But make sure that the nozzle of the hair dryer, directing hot air, does not press against the curls, so as not to burn them.
If your hair is long and heavy, do not put it in buns. Divide them into strands as well, apply styling product. And then use a special nozzle on the hair dryer - wide, round and with teeth (the so-called "diffuser"). With its help, the strands need to be dried from the bottom up, tilting the head forward. Take a section of hair from the ends and lift the hair dryer up to the roots. The hair will curl around the teeth of the attachment and curl. In this way, finer curls are achieved.
The quickest way to do a sloppy French style is to wash your hair, blow-dry, apply mousse or foam, pick it up in a high ponytail and twist it into a bun. Now just go about your business: take a shower, have breakfast, put on makeup, get dressed. By the time you get to work or university, your hair will dry out, and it will be enough to loosen it and break it into strands with your fingers. But this absolutely cannot be done if it is cold outside.
Secret # 5: Wear bangs and keep the ends straight when curling
Have you ever noticed that most French women wear bangs? At least those famous French women that we see in films or on stage. After all, the bangs can be very different - long, short, perfectly even, torn, oblique, laid on two sides, etc. At the same time, it suits almost everyone, even those with a short and narrow forehead - you just need to choose the best option.
What is the advantage of bangs? To any haircut and any hair length, it adds playfulness, romance, carelessness and chic. With bangs, the hairstyle looks more stylish and adds personality. Bangs instantly "remove" several years, or even a dozen! In addition, it covers the wrinkles on the forehead, and haircuts with bangs look younger.
As for curling, whether you have bangs or not, French women usually leave straight ends for such a hairstyle. They do not frizz your hair from root to tip. Ideally, create maximum volume at the roots by drying your hair with your head tilted down. And then curl the ends with a curling iron, leaving about 5 centimeters straight at the bottom. It adds the same carelessness, imperfection, naturalness and fashionable chic.
Author Tatiana Maltseva