We moisturize the skin competently depending on the age
Our skin needs to be hydrated all the time. Indeed, often the body does not receive the amount of water that it needs to maintain all processes. It consumes liquid on internal organs and systems, and the skin remains dry and dull ... And even more so, after the age of 30-40 years, the skin begins to lose the natural moisture that it contains. Therefore, the skin, especially the skin of the face, needs to be moisturized.
mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ will tell you how to do it correctly, depending on age.
20-30 years old
What's happening?By the age of 18-20, women's skin is, one might say, at the peak of its activity. That is, it is completely independently capable of moisturizing, renewing, and regenerating. The dermis produces everything it needs without additional external influence. The only thing that could be a problem is a tendency to acne, comedones, pimples, as in adolescence. Many may not "outgrow" it or take care of the skin incorrectly at home, and the problem is prolonged.
From 20 to 30 years old, the skin usually "calms down", problems in the form of acne and other things disappear. The skin is still at its peak. But after 25 years, it's time to take care of external feeding. Indeed, in order for the smoothness and freshness of the skin to accompany you as long as possible, you should invest in your skin now. It is important to pay attention to all stages of facial care, pay attention to both cleansing and moisturizing.
What to do?Cleansing must be as gentle as possible. Fewer scrubs and peels, no lotions and tonics with alcohol. For exfoliation, use a mild gommage or cleansing mask, but not more than once a week. It is good to use micellar water to remove makeup. But do not forget: it must then be washed off. You can use plain water, or you can use a soft foam or mousse for an even greater cleansing effect.
As for creams, choose those that are appropriate for your age, do not pursue anti-age cosmetics. Textures should be light and quickly absorbed - it is better to choose serum, milk, emulsion. Watch your feelings: after using the cream, there should be no feeling of a film (this means that there is silicone in the composition) or tightness (there is alcohol in the composition).
30-40 years old
What's happening?After 30, the process of loss of natural fluid begins in the skin. It "goes" into the inner, deeper layers of the skin. In the upper layer, the epidermis, only about 15-20% of this moisture remains. In addition, the amount of hyaluronic acid that is in the skin begins to be lost. Dryness and flaking is common at this age, especially immediately after exposure to sun, wind, or frost. That is, the skin loses its protective lipid barrier.
The lack of moisture in the upper layer provokes the first wrinkles, creases, sagging of some areas of the skin. Yes, after the age of 30 this is still not so noticeable, but here it is already necessary to take more serious measures than at the age of 20-25. Another nuance: the abuse of the sun. Many people expose their face to the sun's rays, believing that they will get a beautiful tan. Whereas UV radiation further provokes moisture loss and accelerates the appearance of age spots and moles.
What to do?That is, the time has come to switch to deep moisturizing, precisely in order to remove the first age-related manifestations and delay skin aging. In the arsenal, there must be both day and night cream, you should not use one universal one, since these two creams have completely different purposes. Additionally, use face masks - pamper your skin with them 1-2 times a week. Make sure you have a serum or emulsion that you can use in addition to your night cream.And don't forget: be sure to look for hyaluronic acid in the composition. Also remember not to rush to anti-age labels - your age for these creams is in the future!

Also, the day cream and foundation that you use when leaving home should contain SPF filters, and the higher the factor, the better, ideally 50. Salon procedures can be included in your program: find a good cosmetologist and visit him once in month. Drink plenty of fluids, watch it carefully - the skin should receive nourishment from the inside. You can include in the diet vitamin complexes, as well as trace elements - now they are needed more than ever. And, of course, reconsider your lifestyle, especially if your skin condition doesn't suit you. Smoking, alcohol, strict diets, and most importantly, lack of sleep - all this affects our skin worse than the age in the passport.
After 40 years
What's happening?In addition to the fact that there is now even less moisture in the epidermis - only from 10% to 15%, all metabolic processes in the skin also slow down. Not only production decreases
hyaluronic acid, but also collagen and elastin - substances that are directly responsible for the smoothness, elasticity and smooth surface of the skin without wrinkles. The oval of the face loses its clarity, nasolabial folds appear due to the drooping of the cheeks, and also because of this, the contours of the jaw are lost. The same applies to the eyes: the eyelids drop, the upper becomes heavier, the lower can create the effect of dark circles, even if they are not.
A double chin appears due to a loss of elasticity in the skin of the neck, and this can occur even in thin women. By the way, if you were overweight, and now decided to lose weight, be prepared for the fact that this will affect your face even worse - when sebum leaves from under the skin of your face. Often many women at this age notice puffiness due to water retention in the body - this causes bags under the eyes, especially in the morning. And the skin can also change color, become paler, or, conversely, become covered with age spots.
What to do?Now hydration is just as important as it was before the age of 40, but now hydration alone will not be enough. It is not enough just to saturate the skin with moisture, you will also need to nourish it with useful substances that will have a smoothing and lifting effect. The composition of cosmetic products must contain peptides and collagen, as well as vitamins and antioxidants. Look for the “promise” of a lifting effect on the packaging - especially active substances are present in such creams and serums, and with regular use, the oval of the face can really tighten a little, and the skin will become more elastic.

The textures of the products should now be thicker and more saturated, especially for the night cream - they better restore the thin protective layer of the skin. Use masks more actively at home, you can choose indelible night masks. And now trips to the beautician should occur more often. It is quite possible to afford not only peels and massages, as at the age of 40, but also more cardinal ones - mesotherapy, lifting and even injections, if you are ready for this. We will not repeat ourselves in detail, but now you need to take even more careful attention to protection from the sun and your lifestyle. After the age of 40, it is not only a matter of beauty, but also of your health!