"Return to the Homeland": why you should pay attention to Russian brands
About 4 years ago, the Russian consumer did not trust domestic brands.
Perhaps clothes that are produced in limited quantities marked "made in Russia" arouse skepticism only because the imagination builds an associative array marked "low quality things", despite the fact that the mass market on each label is not hesitant writes "made in China". The best proof of mass production, without causing questions from buyers, are protruding threads, crooked seams, low-quality or cheap fabrics. Fast fashion and growing demand leave no time for quality clothing and footwear production.
Domestic brands began to loudly declare themselves relatively recently, and one can only guess how such a sudden turn in the minds of the Russian consumer took place in the direction of clothes and accessories “made in Russia”. Chances are high that
trendsetters and influencers played a role here: by publishing their images with the mark of Russian brands in the photo, they not only attract potential buyers, but thus also tell about the existence of this domestic brand.
coat: All We Need
coat: Osome2someEspecially in a pandemic, when the whole world was locked up within its own country (or even a city), most of the population had a rethinking of values and this applies not only to the spiritual component, but also to consumption. Of course, it has become more conscious: no one wants to zealously fill their wardrobes of dubious quality with things bought in a “state of passion” at a sale because of the -70% price tag. We are trying to make our wardrobe more rational. That is why, during the quarantine, the Russian consumer realized that domestic brands are in no way inferior
mass market.
Opening a business for the production and sale of clothing, footwear and accessories in Russia is a very difficult task, therefore only very talented, enthusiastic individuals who are not afraid of risk decide on this. And, as a result, it is easy to see that each brand has its own DNA, philosophy, politics and vision of this life, bringing something unique and unrepeatable to the Russian market. Young entrepreneurs keep up with fast fashion giants: they also follow all changes, from current trends to changes in society and production. This means that the Russian consumer will receive a very high-quality final product that meets all modern standards.
Stylish lookbooks of brands, in which you want to consider every detail: from the ring on the model's hand to the landscape where the photo was taken, are also a powerful sales tool and a way to make yourself known. The “tasty” picture continues to attract potential buyers, expanding the brand's audience, and the most selling platform now is, of course, Instagram.
Clothes of domestic brands are sewn at factories in Russia, and not in China, as many foreign labels do. Some brands grow to establish their own production and not enter into contracts with a third party, so such things are neat, high quality and durable. In addition, most domestic brands are heading towards slow fashion. Their policy is that the thing should not only serve more than one season, but also be as universal and basic as possible; it should be easy to fit into everyday kits.
In addition, Russian brands do not have an exorbitant price tag, which gives everything that a potential buyer is looking for now: affordability, high quality and style.Isn't all this a reason to support domestic brands or at least get acquainted with their collections?