How to create the image of a woman-wife?
For girls in active search
Many girls, being in an active search, make similar mistakes, creating their own external image for life and dating. Here is some of them:
1. "To be sure, I will emphasize and show everything at once", how can you not choose me?
Here the legs and neckline, and the back, and everything that is possible to open, all the fruits on a platter, combat makeup, the aroma is a seductive dope, open up for the show. Yes, such a spectacular woman cannot be overlooked, and she will even be chosen, but not as a wife, and possibly for one or two stormy meetings.
2. "I don't need much." This type is about a comfortable woman who saves on herself and without pretending to be anything more. This is also aggressive but old-fashioned sexuality. Everything in a sticky shape, more rhinestones, a leopard, grooming without much investment. There is a prospect of a relationship, but again, they may come to such people occasionally, but for a long time. And what? Convenient, cheap and cheerful and no need to strain, no need!
3. "Dull as in a tank." Everything here is closed behind seven locks, do not approach a cannon shot, love my soul, it is beautiful, but hidden. It is difficult even to predict the prospect of a relationship here, modern men do not choose a pig in a poke.
There can be a fashionable and modern oversized image here, gender boundaries in clothes have been erased, and this is not about dating, this is about self-isolation, cocoon, do not touch me, and I will not touch you.
4. "How long have I been looking for her." When I saw and understood it, I want to solve it all my life. What is she like? Who is she?
She is in gentle pastel, muted, soft colors, she is with intellectual sexuality, she did not put everything on display, she intrigued and carried away with her burning eyes, beautiful posture, light makeup and a smile, beautiful well-groomed hair and a delicate scent. Underlined by the grace of the waist, wrists and ankles, these are the soft lines of flowing fabrics, the sophistication of the silhouette. Such girls will attract the attention of worthy men, they do not need everything, they need the best. Such girls are not looking for a man, such men find themselves to create a family.

Therefore, it is very important to broadcast your needs and requests with your appearance, because for every mistake in the image, work on mistakes will definitely come, this is when relationships appear, but not those that you dreamed of, but which were attracted by the appearance. Therefore, the most important thing when creating ourselves is to understand who we want to see next to, and of course, to take the place of this ideal hero and think, and who does he want to see next? Then the puzzle will come together, and dreams will come true.