Fashionable and classic models of bags: tips from a stylist
Despite the crisis, sales of clothing and accessories are growing. Everyone wants to please themselves with fashion novelties in order to become more beautiful and make life more eventful with pleasant events. But in such a situation, it is best to make smart purchases. Today we
7 secrets of how to come to conscious consumption
At all times, a large number of all kinds of things were considered a sign of wealth. But now clothes, accessories and other things have become so accessible that some people accumulate a huge amount of this good, and then you understand that 5 wardrobes,
13 bright bags for the summer: a selection from the stylist
In summer, you want to wear not only light clothes and open shoes, but also suitable bags. Someone chooses handbags woven from straw, or prefer transparent materials, models with perforation, and suggests paying attention to bright
Halter dress: summer fashion trend
A halter dress is a great option for the Prom at school and in general for summer parties and festivities. In addition, a halter dress is suitable for relaxing at sea and in general for every day. Therefore, this dress can be considered a very versatile outfit ...
Online shopping at American Macy's and the history of the department store
Macy’s department stores are more than 150 years old, but the most interesting thing is that this retail chain was able to reorganize taking into account new realities, and now occupies an honorable place on the Internet. Let's remember the story and see what we can buy at Macy’s ...
Capsule men's wardrobe for relaxation: stylist tips
Many thousands of articles have been written on the topic of women's wardrobe and many videos have been shot. There are much fewer materials for men, although recently more and more men are paying no less attention to their image than the most sophisticated women of fashion. Today
Bandana tops: how to wear stylishly and beautifully
Variations of crop tops are still in vogue this summer, but today we'll talk about bandanna tops. These tops can be very different, including very restrained, which will suit the style of more modest girls ...
How to choose a fashionable and stylish suit for a man
Designers and tailors have created many styles of men's suits, but not all of these suits look equally stylish and add masculinity. And a suit is very important for a man who wants to succeed. Therefore, today we will consider ...
Online shopping in the USA with delivery to Russia: pros and cons
I regularly receive Tommy Hilfiger items from the USA as gifts, but today we will talk about bargaining from American online stores. If you buy Tommy Hilfiger clothes in America, you can save very seriously. Sometimes the price difference can
How to celebrate the New Year 2024 at home?
New Year is a home holiday, this statement on the eve of the New Year 2024 is more relevant than ever. It seems that the Higher Forces created all the conditions so that we were forced to stay at home for the New Year holidays. Today we will think through
Top 8 beauty rules: how to save on cosmetics correctly
How to save on cosmetics without saving on your beauty? In fact, it is possible. Today we will look at the rules that will help us buy cosmetics more thoughtfully, not succumbing to imposed desires ...
What to buy for girls and women in the men's department
For many seasons, designers have been releasing women and men together on the catwalk. Modern fashion is actively blurring the boundaries between men's and women's wardrobe. And if there are many restrictions for men, then for girls everything is permissible. Today
How to buy clothes on the Internet and not be mistaken with the size
On the Internet you can find and buy any clothes, even the rarest and most unusual ones. Only very often errors occur with sizes, as a result, a new dress or shirt does not fit well on the figure and the whole image looks ridiculous. Uncertainty problem with
What clothes to buy to please a teenager?
Clothing for a teenager should not only be comfortable, reliable, but also correspond to the lifestyle and worldview. Dressing a modern teenage boy or young girl is a real challenge for parents, especially if you are very limited in
Women's boots and shoes 2024-2025
In the new fall-winter 2024-2025 season, designers of famous brands have again filled women's collections with boots and boots in a wide variety of styles. There are rough, brutal boots and quite romantic models for more sophisticated looks. Today
How to spend your money wisely on shopping
Refusal to buy and minimalism, as well as overconsumption, are extremes. Ideally, you need to find a balance in your needs and desires in order to live in harmony with yourself and society. Thanks to this, purchases will be extremely joyful and make
Favorite Celebrity Perfume: Affordable Fragrances
We all have our favorite perfumes, our tastes can be very different, but in any case, I wonder which perfumery scents are preferred by famous actresses, singers, supermodels and princesses. offers 7 fragrances that are highly affordable by
The most expensive perfume for women - TOP-7 perfumes
To create some fragrances, extremely valuable and rare raw materials are required, sometimes you have to wait years before the raw materials for a perfume mature and are ready to create a fragrant composition ...


