When does the condition of the hair make it necessary to see a specialist? This moment is determined for himself by everyone. But basically everyone pays attention when deep changes in the body have already been affected and big problems have arisen ...
Correctly chosen shampoo is one of the most important components of hair beauty and health. Today mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ will tell you what to look for when buying a new shampoo ...
Active sun damages not only the skin, hair becomes dry, brittle and even begins to fall out under the influence of excessive heat and ultraviolet rays. The easiest way is to protect your hair with a headdress, but you don't always want to wear a hat, scarf or
If you're looking for a new hairstyle and looking for inspiration, check out this selection of beautiful vintage photos of Edwardian girls. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ has chosen only the most successful images, some of these hairstyles can be worn and
With the onset of sunny days, I really want to show everyone around my luxurious shiny hair. However ... as luck would have it, it was during this period that the hair becomes brittle, dry and somehow lifeless ...
Aren't you tired of celebrating the New Year and other holidays like all people? Maybe it's time to change something? A crown, a luxurious headband or tiara will help make a real transformation. You can buy time-tested accessories Dolce &
Every girl wants to try to create the image of a real goddess. In this we are helped by cosmetics, beautiful clothes, jewelry and hair. The most reliable option is hairstyles in the Greek style, because it was in Greece that the goddesses shone with beauty ...
New Year 2024 will come to us very soon. Regardless of where you plan to celebrate this holiday, you need to do festive makeup and hair for the celebration. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ has chosen hairstyles for short, medium and long hair, in accordance
New 2024 is coming very soon. Now is the right time to think about festive looks, buy dresses and decide on a hairstyle. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ offers solutions based on fashion trends of the season and stylish tips for
It is rare for a girl to wake up before school in advance, most like to sleep a little longer. Therefore, you have to hurry to get ready. Easy hairstyles for school will save a lot of time, because many hairstyles can be done in just 5 minutes ...
Hairstyles with bangs can look good with short and long hair, just before you decide to experiment with bangs, determine your face type, because not all bangs are equally well suited for different girls ...
The best decoration for a girl is not gold earrings and necklaces, but beautiful shiny hair. Unfortunately, after the summer, not everyone can boast of this wealth. The sun's rays and the sea bring not only joy, hair under their influence
A well-chosen hairstyle can transform your appearance and make you look irresistible. Today we look at hairstyles for short hair from the spring-summer 2024 fashion week ...
Due to the huge number of beneficial properties, Aloe Vera has been known to people for many years. And today, despite the development of technology, this wonderful plant is actively used for treatment and augmentation of beauty ...
Iron is an essential trace element necessary for health and beauty. Lack of iron can cause not only chronic fatigue, dry skin and decreased performance, but also the development of diseases. To prevent this, as often as possible
A beautiful haircut can transform a woman, so we are in search of the perfect haircut, watching fashion trends and celebrities. But today mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ wants to tell you about the most practical haircut for women ...
Asymmetry has come into fashion seriously and for a long time, it is reflected in clothes, accessories and haircuts. Today we will talk about who asymmetrical haircuts are suitable for ...
Hair perfume is an excellent solution for spring and summer, they create an unobtrusive trail from your favorite perfume composition. When sprayed on the hair, the perfume smells gentle and even aristocratic. And also, they keep our hair from strangers for a while.