Beautiful girls
Colorful hair
Do you lack impressions and entertainment, want to make life brighter? Consider changing your look, namely your hair color. Hair coloring can make a big difference in your life, the main thing is to approach this very deliberately.
Celebrity with a cigarette
Modern stars are seen less and less often with a cigarette, they strive to lead a healthier lifestyle, go in for sports, and monitor proper nutrition. And in the middle of the 20th century, celebrities did not part with a cigarette, which was reflected in the photo of those years.
Female cyclists
In recent years, people have been striving in every way to an active lifestyle, some get on a bike and ride where opportunities allow. Only in our cities these opportunities are very few.
How to become a socialite
The ultimate girls guide where tries to figure out who socialites are and how to join them!
Japanese schoolgirls
Thanks to Japanese films and anime, many Russians have misconceptions about Japan and Japanese girls. You will hear a lot about Japanese schoolgirls ...
The first beauty contests in the USSR
Now there are a lot of beauty contests, but they no longer have the same popularity as it was 15-25 years ago, when it was the dream of many girls to take part in the contest.
Girls in military uniform and military service for girls
Many girls love military-style clothes, and some put on real military uniforms and go to serve in the army, it is about such girls that today's publication.
Everything you wanted to know about plastic surgery
Plastic surgery is designed to make us more beautiful, but despite this, plastic surgery has a lot of opponents. Why is that?
Girls of Islam in photographs
We have devoted many publications to Islam and Orthodoxy, religious traditions and believing girls. Today's post is a bit of philosophy and a lot of beautiful girls!
Photos and clothes of Turkish women
A selection of photos of Turkish women, most of the photos were taken in Istanbul.
Exercises for correct posture
Correct posture is of great importance in a girl's life, success in her career and personal life depends on it, and in addition, posture to some extent affects health, in general, the quality of her entire life.
Beauty and secrets of Cleopatra
If you love holidays, today you can celebrate the birthday of Queen Cleopatra. The queen, one of the most famous women in history, was born on November 2, 69 BC!
Beautiful schoolgirls
At school age, many want to look older, some succeed. Then the truth very quickly comes a time when you no longer want to seem older, but everything is much more complicated, the time does not turn back ...
Daphne Groenveld
During the weeks of fashion and beautiful collections, we completely forgot about those who show us things from our favorite brands - about the models. And some of them deserve praise and can be role models!
Soviet glossy magazines
Girls and women also lived in the USSR, respectively, glossy magazines were published for them, although they cannot be called glossy in the full sense of the word.
Handsome barbie boy
When girls imitate Barbies it is quite natural and even commonplace, but today I want to cite as an example not a girl, but a boy who has become a real Barbie.
Valeria Lukyanova
Do you know who Valeria Lukyanova is? She is not a model, not an actress or a singer, but just a beautiful girl. Rather, Valeria is a very unusual girl, which is why Fashionista wants to devote a separate publication to her, Valeria deserves it!
Ugly girls
When you work in the field of fashion and beauty, you often come across beautiful girls, but if you just go out for a walk, you see a completely different reality. Ugly girls, why are they ugly?


