Beautiful girls

Colored hair - choose your color

Dyeing hair in a bright color, for example turquoise or pink, is a slight and harmless rebellion, there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, if you live immersed in your studies and nothing really new happens in your life for months, dyeing your hair in an unusual color can change your life for the better, or for the worse if you choose the wrong color and image.

Think over all the nuances, choose a color, taking into account all even the smallest features of your appearance and lifestyle, it is important that colored hair is combined with your inner world and with the outer image that you want to create. Thanks to the internet and trendy websites, this will not be so difficult - the main thing is not to rush ...

Bright hair color, photo

If you are embarrassed by the advice of Alexander Vasiliev, who all the time says from the TV screen one and the same worn-out record that hair color should only be natural, and all transformations with the help of dyeing are a path to vulgarity, think about where he gets his beliefs? Are his thoughts in terms of hair color perception outdated stereotypes inherent in the old conservative and degenerating society?

The most important thing is that the concept of vulgarity is very arbitrary. Of course, there are so-called generally accepted concepts, but let's figure it out - when and by whom are they adopted?

Take an excursion into the history of fashion, which Alexander Vasiliev loves so much. Looking at photographs of 20th century hairstyles, illustrations, drawings and paintings from earlier periods, you can see a great variety of different hairstyles and wigs.

Depending on the time, lifestyle, and social status of a woman, hairstyles also change. Sometimes hairstyles took insane forms, bringing a lot of inconvenience to their owners. In a strange way, fashion historians manage to admire those eras when women wore terrible wigs and pulled themselves into a tight corset.

This is no wonder, historians - theorists do not need to carry ships and baskets on their heads, they just need to reason in order to fill the air and pages of gloss with words on which to make money.

Colored hair, photo

Therefore, no reasonable person, thinking globally, would argue that pink or turquoise hair looks vulgar. It is necessary to take into account many factors - which girl dyes her hair pink, how old she is, what her appearance is, where she lives, what plans she has in life and much more ...

If all this is not taken into account, one cannot argue about the vulgarity of colored hair. In general, you understand everything - everything is relative, and what is good for one girl can be destructive for another.

There are many girls and women with natural hair color around, and many of them look terrible. Does the natural color mean nothing?

On the contrary, there are girls with dyed hair, who have everything tastefully selected. Dyed hair can add brightness to your life. The main thing is to decide on the color, choose a paint, and preferably a reputable specialist in a beauty salon. Think over all the nuances so as not to harm the health of your hair, and get started!

Blue hair

In any case, colored hair is not a tattoo that will last a lifetime, and if now they look at the owners of tattoos quite normally, then with colored hair everything should be even easier. Although much depends on where you live, in Moscow or in Uryupinsk, based on this, the perception may be different. And your place in life also matters - if you are a young student, you can afford almost any hair color, but if you are a lawyer or work in the local administration, you have less freedom to experiment with hair color.

Show business stars have the greatest freedom and at the same time the greatest dependence on the image. One side Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj can afford the craziest outfits and hairstyles, and on the other hand, the success of a celebrity greatly depends on her image, and if she miscalculates somewhere, this can negatively affect her income, up to a complete departure from show business. Of course, this will not happen instantly, but one mistake after another can lead to the extinction of a very bright star.

If you are not a star and do not work in the State Duma, you can safely dye your hair. Colored hair is harmless experiments that make life brighter.

Pink hair

How to choose a hair color? will not give specific advice, just a few caveats.

When choosing a hair color, keep in mind everything - what kind of skin you have, for example, red hair, requires clean, snow-white skin. Don't forget what eye color you have and what kind of makeup you will do with your new hair color. Take care of your eyebrows, because they are also of great importance and can sometimes play both a positive and negative role in creating an image. Also, check your wardrobe to see if you have enough items to match turquoise or pink hair ...

Red hair, photo

Turquoise hair

Bright hair color, photo
Bright hair color, photo

Bright hair color, photo
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