The culture of Ancient Rome is characterized by an increase in individualism. The individual is increasingly beginning to oppose himself to the state, this is reflected in clothes and hairstyles.
The Greek goddesses embodied the perfection characteristic of only a few earthly women, but every woman, to the best of her ability, strove to resemble them, at least in her hair.
Resting on the seaside, swimming in the hot rays of the sun and cool sea water, we cannot all the time think about what is useful and what is not, and maybe even harmful.
Not everyone is satisfied with the natural hair color, so you have to resort to using hair dyes. has already talked about long-term and natural hair colors. Today we will continue to study and experiment with natural
Every season, more and more new trends are in fashion, and if healthy, well-groomed hair is always in fashion, then the relevance of their colors and shades is constantly changing.
Beautiful hair is a natural decoration for a girl, and therefore every representative of the fair sex would like to be proud of healthy and beautiful hair. Today we'll see the best examples ...
The first gray hair brings stress and sadness - old age is approaching! But not everything is so tragic, gray hair is certainly a bright sign of aging, but it can be dealt with by various methods, including simple hair coloring.
The health and beauty of our hair largely depends on the state of the smallest elements that make up their structure, especially keratin, about which today's publication will be.
Do you lack impressions and entertainment, want to make life brighter? Consider changing your look, namely your hair color. Hair coloring can make a big difference in your life, the main thing is to approach this very deliberately.
Nowadays it is not so easy to find a girl who is completely satisfied with her hair. Therefore, we resort to the help of various means and techniques, including choosing favorable days for a haircut.
What hairstyles and hair colors will be fashionable in spring and summer 2024? This question interests many, because the long-awaited spring will bring sun and warmth, which means that you can put aside annoying hats for a long time.
Everyone wants to have healthy beautiful hair, but many act with their hair as if, on the contrary, they want to destroy it faster. Yes, this is exactly the impression that is created when you look at girls who regularly change their hair color, with
Fashionable hairstyles, what are they today and what were they in the past? will help you find the answer to this question, and today we have a short journey into the history of hairstyles, as well as an interview with stylist Eva Eliseeva.
Philosophy of beauty and healthy lifestyle, that's how my first website was called. There was a lot about a healthy lifestyle, beauty and of course the right hair care. After all, the beauty of hair is composed on the basis of two main factors. First, then