Hematite stone - properties and jewelry
Hematite is sometimes called black pearl. The stone is very beautiful, although its color can only be said to be black, dark gray or black with cherry red hues. It has been known since ancient times. Its appearance with a metallic sheen has always attracted magicians and alchemists - seekers of eternal youth.
Looking at the faceted hematite in the palm of your hand, you might think that there is a molten piece of metal in front of you, such as mercury. People have always considered the stone hematite to be one of the most mysterious minerals on Earth.
Properties of hematite
As already found out, hematite has a rich black color with luster. There are minerals of dark gray or dark red color. This is essentially iron oxide. The stone has more than one name, for example, it is also called "bloodstone". Does this name come from the Greek? haimatos, which translates to blood. In addition, it is called iron kidney, red iron ore.
When sorcerers and sorcerers of antiquity made various drugs, they ground them in a mortar. Thus, it was observed that hematite powder added to pure water colored it blood red. This is what made them think about some supernatural power of hematite - to work miracles. And the stone was considered magical, magical.
Hematite is an opaque stone with a beautiful metallic luster, quite hard and heavy, but at the same time fragile. And one more amazing property - if you run a stone on a hard surface, it will leave a reddish mark. All this can be explained simply - hematite, after all, contains iron. But in ancient times, this feature raised him even more in the eyes of people, and especially magicians.
Remained rock carvings
animals and huntersas well as various symbols in the caves of Cantabria and Asturias (Spain), where they were painted with red paint made from this stone. Hematite is still used today in the production of paints. For example, for making a heart-shaped red pencil, linoleum, enamels, art fonts, etc. The hardness of the stone is 5.5 - 6.5, the density is 4.9 - 5.3.
The processed hematite is similar to morion, obsidian and jet. Hematite is widespread not only on Earth. For example, while exploring the planet Mars, scientists came to the conclusion that the magnetic iron oxide present on a distant planet coincides with hematite in composition and formula.
Hematite is formed in iron-bearing ores and has several varieties:
1. Red iron ore
2. Iron mica
3. Iron shine
4. Iron rose
5. Red glass headDeposits of stone exist in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Hematite is mined in Brazil, Switzerland, Italy and the USA.
Hematite in jewelry
Naturally, we are interested in whether hematite is used in jewelry? With so many magical features behind it, the stone has undoubtedly been used in the creation of jewelry since ancient times. Beads, necklaces are made of it, and inserted into the frame of rings and earrings. Brooches made of hematite are magnificent.
Rings and bracelets have been especially widely used for a long time. Signet rings and gems (carved miniatures) are amazingly beautiful. They literally draw the eye towards themselves with their mysterious metallic luster and deep saturated black color with a reddish tint.
Hematite is used to make inserts in various jewelry. The stone is polished with difficulty, and only after careful grinding. Jewelry made from natural hematite should be treated with care, because the stone is fragile, so it is afraid of impacts and friction. It can get very hot under the sun and damage your skin.
Hematite loves silver, and many "stars" love hematite products.These jewelry are interesting not only for their beauty, but also for their mysteriousness. These are mainly cocktail and daytime decorations. They are produced by many jewelry brands such as Piaget, Buccellati, Graff, Arpels, Mikimoto, Stella McCartney, David Yurman, Zoccai, Monies.
Imitation and counterfeiting of natural stone
Despite the fact that hematite is quite widespread on the planet, counterfeits are found, and even quite a few. Under the guise of hematite, they are trying to sell "stones" made of metal ceramics. You can check.
Run a piece of stone over a ceramic splinter - hematite will leave a red line, but cermet "stone" will not. There is also a synthetic analogue - hematin. Outwardly, they cannot be distinguished, but hematin, unlike a real stone, is attracted by a magnet.
The healing properties of hematite
People began to be interested in medical practice dealing with the treatment of various diseases at the physical and psychological levels with the help of stones since ancient times. Lithotherapy was familiar to many peoples: ancient Chinese healers, Tibetan monks, Mongols, and of course, Indian yogis.
Ancient Greek manuscripts have survived, which contain descriptions of treatment with precious, semi-precious stones and minerals. Many cultures, unrelated to each other, practiced similar medical practices using gems and minerals. And hematite was not among the last stones with which diseases were cured.
Based on the vast experience of ancestors, it is known that the stone is able to cure many diseases. It has a weak magnetic field, which is used in treatment.
It was recommended to be worn as bracelets for those with hearing impairments, and in the form of beads and necklaces for those who want to improve their eyesight. It is believed that the stone purifies the blood, normalizes the functioning of the spleen, liver and kidneys. Lithotherapists advise placing hematite or jewelry made from it near the organ requiring treatment.
Oriental medicine claims that hematite will help heal diseases of the blood vessels, especially blockages. You can agree with all this, but you should not leave in front of you only a decoration made of this stone when you are struck by some kind of ailment. Despite his ability, a good doctor is needed.
Many diseases are listed in ancient manuscripts that hematite can defeat, including bleeding wounds, various tumors, genitourinary diseases, etc. The stone has a weak magnetic field, so it is not dangerous from this side. And yet, consultation with doctors is required for those who have disorder with pressure. Here, not everything is unambiguous, there are statements that pressure normalization is possible, but it is also necessary to take into account the lunar phases.
Magical properties
But about the magical properties
mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ doesn't like to tell. However, it is known that the stone is still highly revered by magicians and shamans, and since ancient times has often been used by them to conduct all kinds of rituals.
It is dangerous to practice magic, as well as to visit psychics and consult with them. They cannot know everything, therefore their advice and clues are very vague, relative and unconvincing. There are claims that the stone does not help magicians in the creation of evil deeds, however, everything is on their conscience.
But instilling a sense of confidence in its owner, getting rid of negative emotions, including anger, protection from rash decisions are very useful properties. And it would be good if the stone really had them.
Who is suitable for jewelry with hematite
If there is a desire to buy a hematite jewelry, then astrologers advise Scorpions, Aries and Cancers to do this, and do not recommend wearing hematite jewelry to Virgins, Gemini and Pisces. But for medicinal purposes, astrologers are allowed to wear everything, but under the supervision of a lithotherapist.