Very bright advertising of cosmetics
Each brand strives to create an unforgettable advertising campaign for its products, as a result of the work of numerous specialists, sometimes real masterpieces are born, they are pleasant to look at, unlike thousands of other videos that you want faster
Bolshoi Theater and the Spirits of the same name
A significant event is approaching - the opening of the Bolshoi Theater after reconstruction. For this significant date, a limited edition perfume - LE BOLSHO? 2024 Edition Limit? E. The full news contains detailed information and a selection of photos.
The most handsome boy gives many pages to beautiful girls, one can say a kind of reserve has gathered here, where only beautiful girls live. But what about handsome boys? Girls will be bored without beautiful boys, and therefore, so that girls do not get bored,
I'm an ugly girl ...
I love mirrors, I love what I see in them, and there are many mirrors in my house. Two sliding wardrobes have mirrors, there is a large mirror in the bathroom, and a mirror hangs on the wall in the corridor. There is a large magnifying mirror on a stand on the table in the office, and there is also
Dear perfume as a gift
My birthday is approaching, I am Scorpio by the zodiac sign, which means that I will be given a lot of gifts on this day. From the experience of past years, I know that very often they give perfume, here I want to tell my memories, associations and impressions of the gifts.
How to choose the right hair color
From time to time I read various blogs related to fashion and beauty, healthy lifestyle, and just useful blogs that are written by a knowledgeable author and are regularly updated. The other day I read a blog that made me think again about how
Hair decoration, braid hairstyles
Now many girls try to decorate their hair with various fabric colors, sometimes even whole flower compositions. It looks beautiful, in some it is very beautiful, a particularly good effect can be achieved in a combination of colors and braids, about which
Brown eye makeup technique for blondes and brunettes
Are you blonde with blue eyes like an angel? Or are you a brunette with black eyes? If so, then we will create a makeup lesson for you in the very near future, and today - a makeup lesson for blondes and brunettes with brown eyes. In addition to the video, with a very
How to hide your age with makeup?
Did you know what women fear more than anything else? You don't even have to think about it and go through different options. Nothing scares lovely ladies as much as age, and with it - oh, horror, the appearance of wrinkles! Of course, everyone wants to look
How to prolong the youthfulness of the skin
While we are young and beautiful, everything seems endless. At the same time, we often do not value what we have and are frivolous about our health, lifestyle, daily routine, and over time this can affect our appearance. How to prolong youth
Expensive imported cosmetics
Expensive imported cosmetics how justified is the purchase of decorative cosmetics, perfumes and creams from well-known foreign brands? How much better is it than its Russian counterparts?
Castor oil for hair
Castor oil is a natural product and is also affordable. Castor oil has a low cost and at the same time it helps a lot of girls to take care of their hair and restore damaged hair. Here
Your hair color and hair dye
What color should you dye your hair? First of all, you need to choose a color that will go well with your complexion and eyes. As you know, there are four color types: winter, summer, autumn and spring.
Combing and brushing hair
Even in ancient Egypt, Babylon and the Roman Empire, people combed their hair. Depending on their status and capabilities, they could afford different combs. What kind of combs took care of the hair of our distant, distant ancestors?
Beautiful hair at home
For hair to be beautiful, it requires careful care and, above all, proper hair washing. This is what will be discussed in today's publication.
Snow White, White Skin or Tan?
Two-thirds of the summer has passed and at the same time the hottest days have come. The sun literally incinerates all life on earth. For example, even tomatoes burn out in summer cottages, and there are practically no insects. I prefer to spend this time in the shade or even in
Barbie Makeup
How to transform into a real Barbie? The easiest and most affordable way is to do makeup in accordance with the image and style of Barbie. Here, video and text and photos with examples of Barbie makeup are combined at once.
Musk and musky aromas in perfumery
Musk is a component of perfumery aromas. Smells are called musky when they are in tune with warm, sweet, sensual aromas. This ingredient makes fragrances more persistent, fixes and refines them well.


